
DashofDaysh: All things Fashion, Finance, and Lifestyle

Meet Daysh

Who is Daysh?

Hey babe,

I’m Daysh, a 25-year-old digital entrepreneur, mom, and current MBA student. There are a lot of things that led me to where I am today, establishing DashofDaysh. Would you believe me if I told you I was a once 15-year-old year pregnant teenager? Crazy I KNOW RIGHT, but I didn’t let that stop me. My pregnancy fueled a flame within me and I am now a single mom turned boss babe entrepreneur.

What is DashofDaysh?

I started DashofDaysh in 2019 after graduating undergrad to inspire others that if I could do it, you can do it too!  At you can expect to learn how to save your coins, own your confidence, and build your empire! Since starting,  I’ve turned my side hustle into a profitable business. If you are stuck between being proud of yourself and needing to go a little harder, this is the place for you.

What to Expect?

As a DayshaBabe, you are part of a fantastic community. I share all things fashion, finance, and lifestyle to help you take your life to the next level. I share resources to help enhance both your personal and business endeavors. You should stick around for a while,  you’ll love it here!  

Thank you so much for being here. Be sure to check out the blog, vlog, life and business resources, and bomb weekly newsletters.  I’m so glad we met, see you at the top babe! 



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